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What is the Value of Orthodontic Treatment?

What is the Value of Orthodontic Treatment? Did you know that orthodontic treatment is more than just straightening teeth? The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) states, “The goal of orthodontic treatment is a beautiful smile and a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw and look great.” A straighter smile isn’t

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5 Reasons to Smile

5 Reasons to Smile There are a lot of reasons you should be flashing those pearly whites more often – smiling is good for your health! According to Psychology Today, when you smile you activate neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. It is important to find reasons to smile and be grateful for all the lessons

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The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth

The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth While it may seem like water is your only beverage option, fear not. There are a few drinks still available to quench your thirst without affecting your orthodontic treatment. Milk  Not only can it help build strong bones, but milk is a great source of calcium. Calcium helps to repair

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Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing?

Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing? It’s the start of a new day and you’re going through the motions of your morning routine. As you begin flossing, you notice your gums start to bleed in some areas. Is this normal? While bleeding gums from flossing does not mean your mouth isn’t clean, it can be a sign that

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Your First Week in Braces, Explained

What to Expect From Your First Week of Braces You’re getting your braces put on for the first time and you’re not sure what to expect. One thing is for sure; your oral hygiene practices will definitely change. To help prepare you for what’s in store and make the most of your orthodontic treatment, we at DeHaan Orthodontics explain

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How to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth in Braces

How to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth in Braces You’re in between meals and craving something sweet, but you just started orthodontic treatment and know that many of your favorite foods should now be avoided. Is there anything sweet you can eat? The short answer is yes! Dr. Andrew DeHaan and the staff at DeHaan Orthodontics are here to explain

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Protect Your Braces While Playing Sports

Protect Your Braces While Playing Sports Getting braces doesn’t mean giving up the sports you love! Luckily, braces will not keep you from any sport or physical activity. However, the price you pay for a beautiful smile is taking a little extra care of your mouth while undergoing orthodontic treatment.   Play Safe, Play All Season In general,

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Orthodontic Consultation Questions

What To Ask At An Orthodontic Consultation Orthodontic consultations are oftentimes a complimentary introduction for orthodontists, like Dr. Andrew DeHaan, to get to know you and your oral health concerns. The best thing you can do to make the most of your consultation is to prepare a list of questions beforehand. To help you get started, we’ve come

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Are Your Braces Triggering Your Canker Sores?

Are Your Braces Triggering Your Canker Sores? A few weeks into orthodontic treatment, you notice a tingling or burning sensation in your mouth. A few days later, canker sores appear. Fortunately, canker sores are not often a serious issue, but they sure can be annoying! These small ulcers can pop up in your mouth and on the inside

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Surviving Date Night with Braces

Surviving Date Night with Braces Date night can be a nerve-wracking experience. From what to wear, where to go, what to talk about, the numerous variables of date night can wreak havoc on what should be a fun experience. You don’t want your braces to be another source of worry, and they don’t have to be! With a

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